miro Computer Products AG 12.04.1996 Version 1.00 Installation of miro drivers for Windows95: =========================================== Attention: Please don't try to install the miro drivers by running the install.exe program. Use the 'change display properties' from your control panel. This miro Windows 95 drivers are useable for the following miro graphic adapters in a single screen solution only: miroMAGIC 80SV Generally dual screen solutions (Twinface) or combinations of miro graphics boards by itself or in combinations with third partie graphics boards won't be supported !!! To install the miro drivers, proceed as follows: * If you have not done so already, start your computer * Open the Control Panel * Click on Display * Click the Settings folder * Select Change Display Type... .The Change Display Type windows appears. Here you can change the graphics board and the monitor type. * To select another graphics board, click on the "Change" button. * Click "Have Disk..." To specify the disk drive from which you install the drivers: default is drive a:\. Now there will be displayed the following model "miro S3 Graphicadapter/PCI (DDRAW)". In case both options will be displayed, please select the model which is corresponding to your miro graphics adapter and click "apply". The computer is restarted. After the restart the new resolutions are available. Important hints for the installation: ===================================== 1.) Don't try to use former miro Windows 3.xx drivers for Windows 95. In case you tried to use these drivers make sure that all former miro Windows 3.xx drivers and entries in your SYSTEM.INI file are removed. In the SYSTEM.INI you have to remove the complete entries in the section [928.drv], [Twin.right] and [Twin.left]. Delete in your Win95 the follo- wing files if available: Del \\OEMMAGS4.* Del \\OEMRAIN.* Del \\OEMCR32S.* Del \\OEMCR24S.* Del \\OEMCR16S.* Del \\OEMC16SI.* Del \\OEMCR8S.* Del \\OEMC10SD.* Del \\OEMC20SD.* Del \\OEMC20SV.* Del \\OEMC40SV.* Del \\OEMMAG40.* Del \\OEMMAG20.* Del \\OEMC20TW.* Del \\OEMBIBO*.* Del \\MAGS4*.DRV Del \\RAIN*.DRV Del \\CR32S*.DRV Del \\CR24S*.DRV Del \\CR16S*.DRV Del \\C16SI*.DRV Del \\C8S*.DRV Del \\1SD*.DRV Del \\C20SD*.DRV Del \\C20SV*.DRV Del \\C40SV*.DRV Del \\M20*.DRV Del \\M40*.DRV Del \\TW10*.DRV Del \\TW20*.DRV Del \\TWIN.DRV Del \\OCTO.MON Del \\OCTOVGA.* Del \\MAGIC_S4.BMP Del \\RAIN_WIN.BMP Del \\MINFO.TXT Del \\MWINTOOL.INI Del \\MSUP*.* Del \\MONSEL.* Del \\VIRTDLL.DLL Del \\MFONTCOM.EXE Del \\MIROSCOP.EXE Del \\MIROHOOK.DLL Del \\MSCOPE*.HLP Del \\MPWRSAVE.SCR Del \\TWIN*.* Del \\MTINT*.* Del \\MSIZE*.* Del \\WSIZER.* Del \\WADJUST.* Del \\MIROLOGO.RLE Delete the miroWINTOOL group and the includes icons on your Windows95 desktop too !!! 2.) In case you are using a miro monitor or a common model please install a new monitor file. This monitor.inf file is on this installation disk. Make sure that there is no older OEM*.INF monitor file in your Win95\INF subdirectory. This subdirectory is hidden, but you can make it visible by entering the DIR /a command. All INF files are ASCII files and you can read these files with every editor, so please make sure that you don't delete needed INF files. Look into the file before you delete it !!! If you are using the miro monitor files of the original Windows 95 CD, please use the miro monitor file of this disk. 3.) Everytime you install new display drivers in Windows 95 a new OEM*.INF file will be copied into your WIN95\INF subdirectory. Windows 95 doesn't remove the old *.inf files. Make sure that only the specified OEM*.INF file is available. This could prevent many problems! 4.) Remember that all miroVIDEO graphics boards (VIDEO 20SD, VIDEO 22SD, VIDEO 20SV, VIDEO 40SV ergo) need an IRQ 5.) In case Windows 95 doesn't start VLB computers, you can change the base- address for the linear memory adressing: System.ini: [Display] LinBase= i.e. 64, 128, or 192 6.) For miroVIDEO graphics boards (VIDEO 20SD, VIDEO 22SD, VIDEO 20SV, VIDEO 40SV ergo) you can switch the hardware scaler off or improved. The entry are as follows: System.ini [Display] VideoStretch= Standardvalues: greatest security : 257 best video + security : 259 best optic + security : 771 greatest performance : 261 best optic + performance : 775 The Value can be calculated as follows: [0 / 1] for DIB scaling by hardware [off / on] + [0 / 2] for DIB interpolation by hardware [off / on] + [0 / 4] for DIB scaling parameteradaption [off / on] + [0 / 256] for DDB scaling by hardware [off / on] + [0 / 512] for DDB interpolation by hardware [off / on] 7.) A DIB-engine driver is not usable for Video for Windows, but the optimized drivers can be fully used, if the Pinboard will set the entries depending on the selected display mode in the Win.ini file. ->If possible start the Pinboard always starting Windows 95. The Pinboard will correct the entries of Video for Windows automaticly. 8.) Using the miro Pinboard it could happen that, the switching from the virtual modes into the real modes doesn't work at once. In this case we recommend to switch first into the real mode resolution (640 x 480) and after this into a higher resolution. 9.) Combination of miroVIDEO DC20 and S3 based graphics boards in mainboards with AWARD BIOS. S3 chips of types 868,968 etc. need under Windows 95 a linear adress area of 64MB. The actual AWARD BIOS only reserves for this graphics boards only a adress area of 32MB. In case the memory area of the miroVIDEO DC20 is located directly behind the memory area of the S3 based graphics board make sure that there is a memory area of 64MB between the graphics board and the miroVIDEO DC20 memory area. You can change the memory area in Windows 95 in your System Control in the Device Manager in the folder Resources. AWARD has solved this problem with a BIOS update. This BIOS can be loaded down from the BBS of the motherboard manufaturers 10.)During the installation of Lotus Smart Suite 4.0 under Windows 95 the background bitmap of Lotus won't be displayed allright, but there are no limitations using the functions of this software package. In the next driver release this bug will be fixed. 11.) In case your graphics board doesn't initialise during the startup of Windows 95, shut down the system and modify the following line your system.ini file in the section [boot] as follows: [boot] display.drv=vga.drv Save the changes and restart your Windows 95 again. Now you should be able to install the graphics drivers on the Windows 95 desktop.